Friday, March 2, 2012

Resource Article: Time Management

Who couldn't use a little help managing your time more effectively?  A recent article in the Wall Street Journal: Are You as Busy as You Think?
"I soon realized I'd been lying to myself about where the time was going. What I thought was a 60-hour workweek wasn't even close. I would have guessed I spent hours doing dishes when in fact I spent minutes. I spent long stretches of time lost on the Internet or puttering around the house, unsure exactly what I was doing."


Heidi Grohs said...
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Heidi Grohs said...

Thank you! Well timed post. I have wasted an entire four hours this evening catching up on my google reader and chatting with FB friends when I should have been sewing for customers.

I used to do a log to track projects,but to log my wasted time...much more efficient!!