I want you to do something with me.
Get a pen and paper and make a list of Etsy shops. No theme here, just whichever ones you think of first. Okay, got it? Now, look at each name one by one. Why did
those particular shops pop into your head? Was it a catchy name that stuck with you? Or someone you have 0rdered from and remember the great customer service, or getting a fun package? Whatever the reason, you did remember them. That should be your goal with any business. BE MEMORABLE.
I revisited each shop on my list and took notes about what made those shops come to mind first. As a seller,
I want to pop into peoples heads right away myself, so I thought that I could learn a bit from what they are doing right.

I listed
sosorosey first, probably because she has such an adorable shop name and I have talked to her once or twice in the forums. But I talk to
lots of people so what made
that name jump out? What makes her stand out in my mind in a sea of other Esty shops? I appreciate that she has useful and creative items as well as an assortment of price ranges. Those $10 magnets and bowl sets are calling my name, and while I love her whole shop, listing something for a guilt free ten bucks had me making a little note to myself to visit the next time I want to do a little midnight shopping.
Spidercamp's shop was second on my list and is just a memorable

darn shop all around. Those little bunnies kinda stay with you. I personally love her shop and think she is really on to something. If something works, stick with it. Worked for littleputbooks, right? Also, she sent me some homemade business cards to stick in my promo packs and they are so insanely original! I imagine she gets lots of folks visiting her shop after seeing them. I had to take a pic while I still had a bunch. They are her own little drawings on repurposed cardboard packaging. I think they are officially the best cards ever- and free!
Spidercamps cute little avi is a regular in forum threads. I see her pop in with a funny little comment all the time.

Third on my list was
DirtySanchez. If you haven't visited this shop yet you might want to wait till you have a little bit of time, because if you are anything like me you are going to want to read EVERY listing and little sentence you can find! She is freakin' hilarious! Truly. I know humor doesn't work for every shop, but for this one...whew baby, its pure gold. She started out with a great name that sets the tone & ties into her product, took some pretty good pics, creatively named all her items, and took the time to write some really funny descriptions. Even the tags are funny, and while I wouldn't recommend using your tags for that purpose, it did keep me in her shop a while longer going back to every listing to chuckle over the wacky tags. I think the consistency and purposefulness of her humor and style of writing gives her whole shop a professional feel despite the crudeness of it. Not for everyone, but DirtySanchez gets an A+ from me for being one memorable shop.
Another shop that made my list was
AlwaysAmy. This one just

stuck because the name is catchy and her shop it pretty darn cute.
I'm really drawn to colorful shops and she does a great job keeping the whole look uniform with those great colored backgrounds. Her photos almost have a branded look to them, despite the many different items she makes. The most memorable thing about this shop though, is the shop owner. Amy's personality really jumps out at you, in her listings and in her profile page. I feel very connected to her and a little tempted by her plastic retro goodness!
AlwaysAmy avi is also one I see in the forums often, even though she has a pretty busy shop. Never underestimate the power of the forums (even etc.!). I've made a few sales from there myself. Hang out one evening and then check your hearts. I'm willing to bet that you will have gained a few.

Last on my list, but by no means least, was
Buttonhead. I think Ali from
Buttonhead made my list for all the right reasons. She is everywhere! Check out her profile page. She has a little
YouTube channel that is getting tons of exposure for her shop & Etsy in general. I see her in the forums and a couple of features on the
Storque. Buttonhead, you are one smart cookie and a great example of how to use the plethora of marketing & networking opportunities the internet has to offer (for free!). When you have a fun personality, what better way to promote yourself than by showcasing who you are and what you do? I'm sure her
YouTube exploits will bring her many happy buyers.
I love her avi too. Very click-worthy.
This little exercise has my mind racing with little (and some not so little) ways I can improve my shops' memorability
and visibility. Looking over my list, I see that there is a pattern of sorts. I instantly recalled shops that had tons of personality and likability. I have always said that buying handmade is addictive because its so gratifying to make a friend as well as a purchase. Buyers go out of their way to buy something handmade, they want to see a real person in the shop. Thats the point right? So don't be afraid to be you.
I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only one who remembers shops that maintain an active presence on Etsy (and beyond!) . Undoubtedly there are talented artists by the droves on Etsy, but if your shop isn't getting seen, then it probably isn't getting sales either.
So what did you learn from your list? Share your ideas with us please, but most of all- use them! Make one little change or improvement in your shop today. Who knows, maybe you will see the results tomorrow.
A little bit about me: I'm Andrea from kitsandcaboodles.etsy.com. I have another shop as well and have been selling on Etsy for over a year. Kits & Caboodles is relatively new but has done pretty well thanks to a bit of experience and some good advice from my mentor. I'm thrilled to be able to share what I have learned with others. Also, I really like lists.